British Libyan Business Association Calls for Review of UK Government’s Travel Advice.

The British Libyan Business Association has launched a petition urging the United Kingdom government to reassess its travel advice for Libya. The petition emphasises that the current advisory needs to accurately reflect the country’s security, political, and commercial environment and argues that it places UK/Libyan commerce at a disadvantage while benefiting other nations.

Please click HERE to support the petition.

Unfortunately, only UK companies and individuals can take part in the petition; therefore, please repost, share and pass on to your UK colleagues, partners and friends so they can support this initiative.

2023-07-10T23:28:40+02:00July 10, 2023|News|2 Comments

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  1. Abdul Zaidi July 11, 2023 at 11:53 am - Reply

    The economic stability Libya witnessing today It is essential for more security and progress stability, reviewing travel advise will enable more British corporate to be part of that.

  2. Khalid July 21, 2023 at 10:41 am - Reply

    Agreed. Please allow to travel Libya.

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